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Dance yourself Happy!

Wednesday at 8pm,


Flixton High School 

Flixton Road,



Manchester M41 5DR


Telephone: 07847641384




Anchor 3
What is SOSA?
SOSA is Salsa Dance fitness is a women’s only dance session, low impact and suitable for all ages.
Salsa dance is a range of steps and movements taken from a range of international dance styles, such as:
- Salsa
- Cha-cha cha
- Samba
- Kizomba
- Bachata
- Brazilian Zouk
- Rumba
Salsa Dance Fitness is low impact enjoyable, fun session, and it delivers an intense workout.
Research has found that low impact exercise helps the following:
- Helps to treat and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.
- Decreased damage to joints
- Supports those who wish to lose weight
- Increases fitness levels
- Allows you to get the same benefits of high impact sports without  experiencing damage to joints
- May promote healing and recovery of damaged joints.
- Suitable for all ages- beginners, elderly and those want to keep fit.
- Promotes greater mobility, range of movements, improved posture e and co-ordination.
Sosa dance fitness is an only women’s session and is conducted in a relaxed and friendly environment, in a safe environment. Our classes cater for all faiths, where it is considered unacceptable for ladies to exercise in a mixed environment
 wear clothing that you find to be comfortable and clothing that gives freedom of movement.
Class Times Wednesday 8 pm tp 9 pm
Location Flixton High School for Girls, Flixton Road, Urmston M41 5D
Telephone: Maureen on 07847641384
Email Address:
What are the benefits of  SOSA dance fitness?

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